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How to Decide How Much Money to Spend on Helmets?

One of the common questions for first time helmet buyers is how much should you be spending on getting the best quality motorcycle riding helmet? Today in the market, the best premium full face motorcycle helmets cost somewhere around rupees 5000 or more depending on the features you opt for. For example, if you go for a Bluetooth-enabled premium motorcycle helmet the cost will be slightly higher than helmets that do not have that facility. So, the question is how do you get the best features in the latest helmet within the budget that you already have in mind? That's what we answered in this article, let's find out.

Start with a predefined budget in your mind

it is always a good idea to have a predefined our budget in your mind so that you can always keep focusing on the important features of the helmet rather than looking for things that you are not going to use later on. An average cost of a premium full-face helmet is somewhere around rupees details into rupees 6000 - but you can always do your research by looking up helmets online and noting down all the prices that are within your price range. talk to your friends and find out how much they have spent for the helmet they bought recently. You can also check videos on YouTube to find more about the costs of modern premium helmets are in the market right now.

Focus on the features

first time motorcycle helmet buyers often get confused with the number of features that are available in modern premium helmets these days. Do not look for things that you are not going to use, and things that you won't necessarily need to stay safe on the road. Colors and designs are important, but the most important thing in a modern premium full face open face helmet is the safety certification and protective features. look for the safety certifications that the helmet has which will prove that it has been put through rigorous safety benchmarks in order to test the safety features of the helmet. Secondly, look at the strapping mechanism of the helmet. Thirdly, look at the comfort of the helmet which should be conducive to running for several hours at and especially if you want to use the helmet for going on long distance rides. And last but not the least, look at the colors and styles- the superficial things- which are important but should come next to safety and Comfort.

Long term versus short term investment

do you intend to use the helmet for the next five to six years? If you are in a transitional phase and you want to purchase a car or look for a different mode of transportation in the very near future, it might not be the best idea to spend a lot of money on motorcycle riding years. In that case, a basic motorcycle helmet that has the necessary safety features and one that has been approved by the safety certificate authorities in your country should be enough to meet your requirements. However, if you intend to use them for several years going forward, do not cut corners and get the best product that money can buy. Always go with the latest features that are available in the market because the best element manufacturers in India are coming up with new technology and features with every iteration of their products which means if you opt for an old helmet it might become outdated very quickly!

International brands versus Indian brands

There are many motorcycle helmets available in the market today most of which are made by Indian helmet manufacturers, but there are also international brands that are easily available these days. The thing that you need to understand and evaluate while comparing two different helmets made by two different manufacturers is the value for money aspect rather than the brand of the helmet. Nowadays, Indian brands are giving steep competition to international brands in terms of quality and safety certifications along with other features that are top of the line which you expect to find only in international brands! So do your due diligence and compared all the aspects of the helmet before just going for an international brand when you can get the same number of features and comfort from an Indian product.

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